The Rag | Living

What I Consumed This Week

Lenten tacos, Black TikTok, and a side of conspiracy

Ruth Terry
4 min readMar 31, 2021


Close up of fishing nets
Fishing gear accounts for almost half of the plastic in the ocean, according to the Netflix documentary ‘Seaspiracy.’ Photo by Kristin Snippe on Unsplash

When I was planning The Rag, I decided I wanted to have a weekly roundup of interesting recommendations, sort of à la “At Home” by The New York Times. Ideally, this would happen on a weekend but, well, it’s Wednesday and I’m doin’ it, soooo… I’ve been reading the The Gilded Ones



Ruth Terry

American freelancer in Istanbul writing about culture, mental health, race & travel. Bylines everywhere from Al Jazeera to Zora. Tw: @Ruth_Terry | IG: